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First Nations

  • 1 First Nations

    Демография: коренные народы (В Канаде обозначение группы коренного индейского населения, которые не являются инуитами (эскимосами) или метисами)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > First Nations

  • 2 First, Nations, constable

    agent m des Premières nations

    English-French legislative terms > First, Nations, constable

  • 3 First, Nations, home

    foyer m des Premières nations

    English-French legislative terms > First, Nations, home

  • 4 First, nations, police, service

    service m de police des Premières nations

    English-French legislative terms > First, nations, police, service

  • 5 Aboriginal, and, First, Nations, health, council

    conseil m des services de santé aux Autochtones et aux Premières nations

    English-French legislative terms > Aboriginal, and, First, Nations, health, council

  • 6 Assembly of First Nations

    Общая лексика: Ассамблея первых народов (Самая представительная и влиятельная организация индейцев Канады, http://www.suri.ee/muud/kama.html)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Assembly of First Nations

  • 7 ♦ first

    ♦ first /fɜ:st/
    A a.
    1 primo: the first comer, il primo venuto; a first coat of paint, una prima mano di vernice; the first officer of a ship, il primo ufficiale di bordo; the first two [three], i primi due [tre]; at first light, alle prime luci dell'alba
    2 primo; più importante; principale: the first scientists in Europe, gli scienziati più importanti in Europa
    B avv.
    1 per primo; primo: ( sport) to come in first, arrivare primo
    2 prima; per prima cosa: I must speak with him first, prima (o per prima cosa) devo parlare con lui; first of all, prima di tutto; per prima cosa; innanzitutto
    3 (per) la prima volta: When did you first hear about it?, quando ne hai sentito parlare la prima volta?; when we first met, la prima volta che ci siamo incontrati; quando ci siamo conosciuti
    4 inizialmente; all'inizio: when I first arrived, quando arrivai; all'inizio
    5 piuttosto: He said he would die first, disse che piuttosto sarebbe morto
    C n.
    1 (il) primo; (la) prima: I was the first to see him, sono stato il primo a vederlo; They are the first to complain, sono i primi a protestare; Henry the First, Enrico primo
    2 ( nelle date) –: April 1st, il 1 aprile
    3 (in GB) laurea col massimo dei voti: to get a first in history, laurearsi in storia col massimo dei voti
    5 primo esempio (di qc.); primo caso; primato: to score a first, mettere a segno un primato
    ● (med.) first aid, pronto soccorso □ first-aid kit, cassetta di pronto soccorso □ first-aid station, posto di pronto soccorso □ first-aid training, addestramento al pronto soccorso □ first and foremost, soprattutto; anzitutto □ first and last, soprattutto □ first base, ( sport: baseball) prima base; (fig. USA) fase iniziale, primo stadio □ first best, ottimale; ideale; (econ.) ‘first best’: a first-best setting, un contesto ideale; (econ.) a first-best equilibrium, un equilibrio di first best □ first-born, il primo nato ( di figli); primogenito □ (geol.) first bottom, fondovalle fluviale □ first class, (sost.) (ferr., aeron.) prima classe; (rif. a corrispondenza, in GB) posta prioritaria; (market.) prima qualità ( di merce): to travel first class, viaggiare in prima classe; to send a letter first class, spedire una lettera per posta prioritaria □ first-class, (agg.) (ferr., aeron.) di prima classe; (fig.) di prima qualità; eccellente; ( di corrispondenza) di posta prioritaria: a first-class seat, un posto di prima classe; a first-class hotel, un albergo di prima categoria; un albergo eccellente; (in GB) first-class honours (degree), laurea col massimo dei voti; first-class mail, posta prioritaria; first-class stamp, francobollo di posta prioritaria □ first-degree, (med.) di primo grado: first-degree burns, ustioni di primo grado; (leg., in USA) first-degree murder, omicidio di primo grado □ (anat.) first finger, (dito) indice □ first floor, (in GB) primo piano; (in USA) pianterreno □ (in Scozia) first-footer, il primo ospite che entra in una casa dopo la mezzanotte dell'ultimo dell'anno □ (in Scozia) first-footing, visita per gli auguri di Capodanno □ first fruits, primizie; (fig.) primi frutti del proprio lavoro □ (autom.) first gear, prima (marcia) □ ( anche fig.) first-generation, della (o di) prima generazione □ ( sport) first half, primo tempo ( di una partita in due tempi) □ (rag.) first in, first outFIFO □ (in USA) first lady, moglie del Presidente degli USA; ( anche) moglie del Governatore di uno Stato della Federazione □ first language, lingua madre; madrelingua □ (mil., in USA) □ First Lieutenant, tenente □ first mate, primo ufficiale; secondo (di bordo) □ First Minister, primo ministro (in Irlanda del Nord, Scozia e Galles) □ (tur., di biglietto aereo, combinazione, ecc.) first-minute, first minute ( acquistato con forte sconto molto prima della partenza) □ (comm., econ.) first mover, pioniere; ‘first mover’: first-mover advantage, vantaggio della prima mossa □ first name, nome proprio; nome di battesimo: to be on first name terms with sb., chiamare per nome q.; dare del tu a q. □ ( Canada) First Nations, Prime Nazioni ( nome collettivo per la popolazione indigena del Canada) □ (teatr., cinem.) first night, prima; première (franc.) □ first-nighter, assiduo (spettatore) di prime teatrali (o cinematografiche) □ (fin.) first of exchange, prima di cambio; prima copia di una cambiale □ (fam.) first off, per prima cosa; in primo luogo (correlato con next off, ► next) □ (leg.) first offender, reo incensurato; chi delinque per la prima volta □ first officer, (naut.) = first mate ► sopra; (aeron.) secondo pilota □ first or last, prima o poi; presto o tardi □ first-order, di prim'ordine; di prima classe □ first past the post, (ipp.) primo al traguardo; (fig., polit., in GB) sistema uninominale a un turno (o a scrutinio unico), uninominale secca; sistema maggioritario a maggioranza semplice □ ( Canada) First Peoples = First Nations ► sopra □ (gramm. e fig.) first person, prima persona: written in the first person, scritto in prima persona □ first-rate, di prima qualità; di prim'ordine; di primaria importanza □ (polit.) first reading, prima lettura ( di un disegno di legge) □ (leg., market.) first refusal, diritto di prelazione; (diritto di) opzione □ ( USA) first respondent, addetto al primo intervento ( polizia, vigili del fuoco, ecc.) □ ( USA) first response, primo intervento □ (cinem., USA) first run, prima visione: a first-run theater, un cinema di prima visione □ first school, primo triennio delle elementari □ (polit.) First Secretary, primo ministro ( nel Galles, dal 1998 al 2000) □ first shift, primo turno; turno di giorno □ (cinem.) first show, prima visione □ (autom.) first speed, prima (velocità) □ (mil.) first strike, attacco di sorpresa □ (mil., fis. nucl.) first-strike weapon, arma per attacco di sorpresa □ first string, (mus.) primo violino; (fig., sport) i titolari ( di una squadra) □ first-string, di prim'ordine; di prima qualità: a first-string scientist, uno scienziato di prim'ordine □ first team player, titolare □ (fam.) first thing (tomorrow), per prima cosa (domattina) □ First things first, cominciamo dalle cose più importanti □ first-time buyer, acquirente della prima casa □ first-timer, chi fa qc. per la prima volta; esordiente □ (naut.) first watch, prima comandata ( turno di guardia dalle 8 di sera a mezzanotte) □ (econ.) the First World, i paesi a economia forte; i paesi industrializzati □ at first, in principio; dapprima; sulle prime □ at first hand, di prima mano □ at first sight (o view, blush), a prima vista □ from first to last, dall'inizio alla fine; da cima a fondo □ from the first, fin dal principio □ in the first instance (o place), in primo luogo; prima di tutto; innanzi tutto □ (fam.) not to have the first idea, non avere la più pallida idea □ not to know the first thing about st., non sapere niente di qc.; non intendersene minimamente di qc. of the first water, ( di pietra preziosa) di acqua purissima; (fig.) della più bell'acqua □ (prov.) First come, first served, chi primo arriva è servito per primo; ( anche) chi tardi arriva male alloggia: DIALOGO → - Parent-teacher meeting- It's first come first served this time, questa volta funziona in base all'ordine di arrivo.
    NOTA D'USO: - first o early?-

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ first

  • 8 First United Nations Emergency Force

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > First United Nations Emergency Force

  • 9 First United Nations Emergency Force

    Politics: UNEF

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > First United Nations Emergency Force

  • 10 United Nations Headquarters

    Центральные учреждения Организации Объединенных Наций, Штаб-квартира ООН
    Комплекс зданий ООН в г. Нью-Йорке на Первой авеню [First Avenue] между 42-й и 48-й улицами, на берегу пролива Ист-Ривер [ East River]. Дж. Д. Рокфеллер, мл. [ Rockefeller, John Davison, Jr.] пожертвовал 8 млн. долларов на покупку земельного участка для комплекса, а городские власти вложили 26 млн. долларов в его обустройство. В работе над проектом комплекса принимала участие международная группа архитекторов во главе с У. Харрисоном [Harrison, Wallace K.]. Комплекс состоит из 39-этажного небоскреба [ skyscraper] Секретариата ООН [Secretariat Building] (построен в 1950), а также здания Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН [General Assembly Building] с куполообразной крышей (1952) и здания Библиотеки Дага Хаммаршельда. При строительстве комплекса было использовано много новаторских для того времени технических решений, в том числе полностью автономная система энергоснабжения, подземный гараж на 1,5 тыс. машин и др.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > United Nations Headquarters

  • 11 the obesity epidemic was first noted in the US and has now spread to other industrialized nations. it is now being seen even in developing countries.

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the obesity epidemic was first noted in the US and has now spread to other industrialized nations. it is now being seen even in developing countries.

  • 12 Ассамблея первых народов

    General subject: Assembly of First Nations (Самая представительная и влиятельная организация индейцев Канады, http://www.suri.ee/muud/kama.html)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Ассамблея первых народов

  • 13 коренные народы

    1) General subject: Indigenous Peoples (SEIC)
    2) Demography: First Nations (В Канаде обозначение группы коренного индейского населения, которые не являются инуитами (эскимосами) или метисами)
    3) Sakhalin energy glossary: indigenous groups (SEIC)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > коренные народы

  • 14 Chronology

      15,000-3,000 BCE Paleolithic cultures in western Portugal.
      400-200 BCE Greek and Carthaginian trade settlements on coast.
      202 BCE Roman armies invade ancient Lusitania.
      137 BCE Intensive Romanization of Lusitania begins.
      410 CE Germanic tribes — Suevi and Visigoths—begin conquest of Roman Lusitania and Galicia.
      714—16 Muslims begin conquest of Visigothic Lusitania.
      1034 Christian Reconquest frontier reaches Mondego River.
      1064 Christians conquer Coimbra.
      1139 Burgundian Count Afonso Henriques proclaims himself king of Portugal; birth of Portugal. Battle of Ourique: Afonso Henriques defeats Muslims.
      1147 With English Crusaders' help, Portuguese seize Lisbon from Muslims.
      1179 Papacy formally recognizes Portugal's independence (Pope Alexander III).
      1226 Campaign to reclaim Alentejo from Muslims begins.
      1249 Last Muslim city (Silves) falls to Portuguese Army.
      1381 Beginning of third war between Castile and Portugal.
      1383 Master of Aviz, João, proclaimed regent by Lisbon populace.
      1385 April: Master of Aviz, João I, proclaimed king of Portugal by Cortes of Coimbra. 14 August: Battle of Aljubarrota, Castilians defeated by royal forces, with assistance of English army.
      1394 Birth of "Prince Henry the Navigator," son of King João I.
      1415 Beginning of overseas expansion as Portugal captures Moroccan city of Ceuta.
      1419 Discovery of Madeira Islands.
      1425-28 Prince D. Pedro, older brother of Prince Henry, travels in Europe.
      1427 Discovery (or rediscovery?) of Azores Islands.
      1434 Prince Henry the Navigator's ships pass beyond Cape Bojador, West Africa.
      1437 Disaster at Tangier, Morocco, as Portuguese fail to capture city.
      1441 First African slaves from western Africa reach Portugal.
      1460 Death of Prince Henry. Portuguese reach what is now Senegal, West Africa.
      1470s Portuguese explore West African coast and reach what is now Ghana and Nigeria and begin colonizing islands of São Tomé and Príncipe.
      1479 Treaty of Alcáçovas between kings of Portugal and Spain.
      1482 Portuguese establish post at São Jorge da Mina, Gold Coast (now Ghana).
      1482-83 Portuguese navigator Diogo Cão reaches mouth of Congo River and Angola.
      1488 Navigator Bartolomeu Dias rounds Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, and finds route to Indian Ocean.
      1492-93 Columbus's first voyage to West Indies.
      1493 Columbus visits Azores and Portugal on return from first voyage; tells of discovery of New World. Treaty of Tordesillas signed between kings of Portugal and Spain: delimits spheres of conquest with line 370 leagues west of Cape Verde Islands (claimed by Portugal); Portugal's sphere to east of line includes, in effect, Brazil.
       King Manuel I and Royal Council decide to continue seeking all-water route around Africa to Asia.
       King Manuel I expels unconverted Jews from Portugal.
      1497-99 Epic voyage of Vasco da Gama from Portugal around Africa to west India, successful completion of sea route to Asia project; da Gama returns to Portugal with samples of Asian spices.
      1500 Bound for India, Navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral "discovers" coast of Brazil and claims it for Portugal.
      1506 Anti-Jewish riots in Lisbon.
       Battle of Diu, India; Portugal's command of Indian Ocean assured for some time with Francisco de Almeida's naval victory over Egyptian and Gujerati fleets.
       Afonso de Albuquerque conquers Goa, India; beginning of Portuguese hegemony in south Asia.
       Portuguese conquest of Malacca; commerce in Spice Islands.
      1519 Magellan begins circumnavigation voyage.
      1536 Inquisition begins in Portugal.
      1543 Portuguese merchants reach Japan.
      1557 Portuguese merchants granted Chinese territory of Macau for trading factory.
      1572 Luís de Camões publishes epic poem, Os Lusíadas.
      1578 Battle of Alcácer-Quivir; Moroccan forces defeat army of King Sebastião of Portugal; King Sebastião dies in battle. Portuguese succession crisis.
      1580 King Phillip II of Spain claims and conquers Portugal; Spanish rule of Portugal, 1580-1640.
      1607-24 Dutch conquer sections of Asia and Brazil formerly held by Portugal.
      1640 1 December: Portuguese revolution in Lisbon overthrows Spanish rule, restores independence. Beginning of Portugal's Braganza royal dynasty.
      1654 Following Dutch invasions and conquest of parts of Brazil and Angola, Dutch expelled by force.
      1661 Anglo-Portuguese Alliance treaty signed: England pledges to defend Portugal "as if it were England itself." Queen Catherine of Bra-ganza marries England's Charles II.
      1668 February: In Portuguese-Spanish peace treaty, Spain recognizes independence of Portugal, thus ending 28-year War of Restoration.
      1703 Methuen Treaties signed, key commercial trade agreement and defense treaty between England and Portugal.
      1750 Pombal becomes chief minister of King José I.
      1755 1 November: Massive Lisbon earthquake, tidal wave, and fire.
      1759 Expulsion of Jesuits from Portugal and colonies.
      1761 Slavery abolished in continental Portugal.
      1769 Abandonment of Mazagão, Morocco, last Portuguese outpost.
      1777 Pombal dismissed as chief minister by Queen Maria I, after death of José I.
      1791 Portugal and United States establish full diplomatic relations.
      1807 November: First Napoleonic invasion; French forces under Junot conquer Portugal. Royal family flees to colony of Brazil and remains there until 1821.
      1809 Second French invasion of Portugal under General Soult.
      1811 Third French invasion of Portugal under General Masséna.
      1813 Following British general Wellington's military victories, French forces evacuate Portugal.
      1817 Liberal, constitutional movements against absolutist monarchist rule break out in Brazil (Pernambuco) and Portugal (Lisbon, under General Gomes Freire); crushed by government. British marshal of Portugal's army, Beresford, rules Portugal.
       Liberal insurrection in army officer corps breaks out in Cadiz, Spain, and influences similar movement in Portugal's armed forces first in Oporto.
       King João VI returns from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and early draft of constitution; era of constitutional monarchy begins.
      1822 7 September: João VI's son Pedro proclaims independence of
       Brazil from Portugal and is named emperor. 23 September: Constitution of 1822 ratified.
       Portugal recognizes sovereign independence of Brazil.
       King João VI dies; power struggle for throne ensues between his sons, brothers Pedro and Miguel; Pedro, emperor of Brazil, abdicates Portuguese throne in favor of his daughter, D. Maria II, too young to assume crown. By agreement, Miguel, uncle of D. Maria, is to accept constitution and rule in her stead.
      1828 Miguel takes throne and abolishes constitution. Sections of Portugal rebel against Miguelite rule.
      1831 Emperor Pedro abdicates throne of Brazil and returns to Portugal to expel King Miguel from Portuguese throne.
      1832-34 Civil war between absolutist King Miguel and constitutionalist Pedro, who abandons throne of Brazil to restore his young daughter Maria to throne of Portugal; Miguel's armed forces defeated by those of Pedro. Miguel leaves for exile and constitution (1826 Charter) is restored.
      1834-53 Constitutional monarchy consolidated under rule of Queen Maria II, who dies in 1853.
      1851-71 Regeneration period of economic development and political stability; public works projects sponsored by Minister Fontes Pereira de Melo.
      1871-90 Rotativism period of alternating party governments; achieves political stability and less military intervention in politics and government. Expansion of colonial territory in tropical Africa.
       January: Following territorial dispute in central Africa, Britain delivers "Ultimatum" to Portugal demanding withdrawal of Portugal's forces from what is now Malawi and Zimbabwe. Portugal's government, humiliated in accepting demand under threat of a diplomatic break, falls. Beginning of governmental and political instability; monarchist decline and republicanism's rise.
       Anglo-Portuguese treaties signed relating to delimitation of frontiers in colonial Africa.
      1899 Treaty of Windsor; renewal of Anglo-Portuguese defense and friendship alliance.
      1903 Triumphal visit of King Edward VII to Portugal.
      1906 Politician João Franco supported by King Carlos I in dictatorship to restore order and reform.
      1908 1 February: Murder in Lisbon of King Carlos I and his heir apparent, Prince Dom Luís, by Portuguese anarchists. Eighteen-year-old King Manuel II assumes throne.
      1910 3-5 October: Following republican-led military insurrection in armed forces, monarchy falls and first Portuguese republic is proclaimed. Beginning of unstable, economically troubled, parliamentary republic form of government.
       May: Violent insurrection in Lisbon overturns government of General Pimenta de Castro; nearly a thousand casualties from several days of armed combat in capital.
       March: Following Portugal's honoring ally Britain's request to confiscate German shipping in Portuguese harbors, Germany declares war on Portugal; Portugal enters World War I on Allied side.
       Portugal organizes and dispatches Portuguese Expeditionary Corps to fight on the Western Front. 9 April: Portuguese forces mauled by German offensive in Battle of Lys. Food rationing and riots in Lisbon. Portuguese military operations in Mozambique against German expedition's invasion from German East Africa. 5 December: Authoritarian, presidentialist government under Major Sidónio Pais takes power in Lisbon, following a successful military coup.
      1918 11 November: Armistice brings cessation of hostilities on Western Front in World War I. Portuguese expeditionary forces stationed in Angola, Mozambique, and Flanders begin return trip to Portugal. 14 December: President Sidónio Pais assassinated. Chaotic period of ephemeral civil war ensues.
      1919-21 Excessively unstable political period, including January
      1919 abortive effort of Portuguese monarchists to restore Braganza dynasty to power. Republican forces prevail, but level of public violence, economic distress, and deprivation remains high.
      1921 October: Political violence attains peak with murder of former prime minister and other prominent political figures in Lisbon. Sectors of armed forces and Guarda Nacional Republicana are mutinous. Year of financial and corruption scandals, including Portuguese bank note (fraud) case; military court acquits guilty military insurrectionists, and one military judge declares "the country is sick."
       28 May: Republic overthrown by military coup or pronunciamento and conspiracy among officer corps. Parliament's doors locked and parliament closed for nearly nine years to January 1935. End of parliamentary republic, Western Europe's most unstable political system in this century, beginning of the Portuguese dictatorship, after 1930 known as the Estado Novo. Officer corps assumes reins of government, initiates military censorship of the press, and suppresses opposition.
       February: Military dictatorship under General Óscar Carmona crushes failed republican armed insurrection in Oporto and Lisbon.
       April: Military dictatorship names Professor Antônio de Oliveira Salazar minister of finance, with dictatorial powers over budget, to stabilize finances and rebuild economy. Insurrectionism among military elements continues into 1931.
      1930 Dr. Salazar named minister for colonies and announces balanced budgets. Salazar consolidates support by various means, including creation of official regime "movement," the National Union. Salazar engineers Colonial Act to ensure Lisbon's control of bankrupt African colonies by means of new fiscal controls and centralization of authority. July: Military dictatorship names Salazar prime minister for first time, and cabinet composition undergoes civilianization; academic colleagues and protégés plan conservative reform and rejuvenation of society, polity, and economy. Regime comes to be called the Estado Novo (New State). New State's constitution ratified by new parliament, the National Assembly; Portugal described in document as "unitary, corporative Republic" and governance influenced by Salazar's stern personality and doctrines such as integralism, Catholicism, and fiscal conservatism.
      1936 Violent instability and ensuing civil war in neighboring Spain, soon internationalized by fascist and communist intervention, shake Estado Novo regime. Pseudofascist period of regime features creation of imitation Fascist institutions to defend regime from leftist threats; Portugal institutes "Portuguese Youth" and "Portuguese Legion."
      1939 3 September: Prime Minister Salazar declares Portugal's neutrality in World War II. October: Anglo-Portuguese agreement grants naval and air base facilities to Britain and later to United States for Battle of the Atlantic and Normandy invasion support. Third Reich protests breach of Portugal's neutrality.
       6 June: On day of Allies' Normandy invasion, Portugal suspends mining and export of wolfram ore to both sides in war.
       8 May: Popular celebrations of Allied victory and Fascist defeat in Lisbon and Oporto coincide with Victory in Europe Day. Following managed elections for Estado Novo's National Assembly in November, regime police, renamed PIDE, with increased powers, represses opposition.
      1947 Abortive military coup in central Portugal easily crushed by regime. Independence of India and initiation of Indian protests against Portuguese colonial rule in Goa and other enclaves.
      1949 Portugal becomes founding member of NATO.
      1951 Portugal alters constitution and renames overseas colonies "Overseas Provinces." Portugal and United States sign military base agreements for use of air and naval facilities in Azores Islands and military aid to Lisbon. President Carmona dies in office, succeeded by General Craveiro Lopes (1951-58). July: Indians occupy enclave of Portuguese India (dependency of Damão) by means of passive resistance movement. August: Indian passive resistance movement in Portuguese India repelled by Portuguese forces with loss of life. December: With U.S. backing, Portugal admitted as member of United Nations (along with Spain). Air force general Humberto Delgado, in opposition, challenges Estado Novo's hand-picked successor to Craveiro Lopes, Admiral Américo Tomás. Delgado rallies coalition of democratic, liberal, and communist opposition but loses rigged election and later flees to exile in Brazil. Portugal joins European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
       January and February: Estado Novo rocked by armed African insurrection in northern Angola, crushed by armed forces. Hijacking of Portuguese ocean liner by ally of Delgado, Captain Henrique Galvão. April: Salazar defeats attempted military coup and reshuffles cabinet with group of younger figures who seek to reform colonial rule and strengthen the regime's image abroad. 18 December: Indian army rapidly defeats Portugal's defense force in Goa, Damão, and Diu and incorporates Portugal's Indian possessions into Indian Union. January: Abortive military coup in Beja, Portugal.
      1965 February: General Delgado and his Brazilian secretary murdered and secretly buried near Spanish frontier by political police, PIDE.
      1968 August and September: Prime Minister Salazar, aged 79, suffers crippling stoke. President Tomás names former cabinet officer Marcello Caetano as Salazar's successor. Caetano institutes modest reforms in Portugal and overseas.
      1971 Caetano government ratifies amended constitution that allows slight devolution and autonomy to overseas provinces in Africa and Asia. Right-wing loyalists oppose reforms in Portugal. 25 April: Military coup engineered by Armed Forces Movement overthrows Estado Novo and establishes provisional government emphasizing democratization, development, and decolonization. Limited resistance by loyalists. President Tomás and Premier Caetano flown to exile first in Madeira and then in Brazil. General Spínola appointed president. September: Revolution moves to left, as President Spínola, thwarted in his program, resigns.
       March: Military coup by conservative forces fails, and leftist response includes nationalization of major portion of economy. Polarization between forces and parties of left and right. 25 November: Military coup by moderate military elements thwarts leftist forces. Constituent Assembly prepares constitution. Revolution moves from left to center and then right.
       March: Constitution ratified by Assembly of the Republic. 25 April: Second general legislative election gives largest share of seats to Socialist Party (PS). Former oppositionist lawyer, Mário Soares, elected deputy and named prime minister.
      1977-85 Political pendulum of democratic Portugal moves from center-left to center-right, as Social Democratic Party (PSD) increases hold on assembly and take office under Prime Minister Cavaco Silva. July
      1985 elections give edge to PSD who advocate strong free-enterprise measures and revision of leftist-generated 1976 Constitution, amended modestly in 1982.
      1986 January: Portugal joins European Economic Community (EEC).
      1987 July: General, legislative elections for assembly give more than 50 percent to PSD led by Prime Minister Cavaco Silva. For first time, since 1974, Portugal has a working majority government.
      1989 June: Following revisions of 1976 Constitution, reprivatization of economy begins, under PS government.
       January: Presidential elections, Mário Soares reelected for second term. July: General, legislative elections for assembly result in new PSD victory and majority government.
       January-July: Portugal holds presidency of the Council of the European Economic Community (EEC). December: Tariff barriers fall as fully integrated Common Market established in the EEC.
       November: Treaty of Maastricht comes into force. The EEC officially becomes the European Union (EU). Portugal is signatory with 11 other member-nations.
       October: General, legislative elections for assembly result in PS victory and naming of Prime Minister Guterres. PS replace PSD as leading political party. November: Excavations for Lisbon bank uncover ancient Phoenician, Roman, and Christian ruins.
       January: General, presidential elections; socialist Jorge Sampaio defeats PSD's Cavaco Silva and assumes presidency from Dr. Mário Soares. July: Community of Portuguese Languages Countries (CPLP) cofounded by Portugal and Brazil.
       May-September: Expo '98 held in Lisbon. Opening of Vasco da Gama Bridge across Tagus River, Europe's longest (17 kilometers/ 11 miles). June: National referendum on abortion law change defeated after low voter turnout. November: National referendum on regionaliza-tion and devolution of power defeated after another low voter turnout.
       October: General, legislative elections: PS victory over PSD lacks clear majority in parliament. Following East Timor referendum, which votes for independence and withdrawal of Indonesia, outburst of popular outrage in streets, media, and communications of Portugal approves armed intervention and administration of United Nations (and withdrawal of Indonesia) in East Timor. Portugal and Indonesia restore diplomatic relations. December: A Special Territory since 1975, Colony of Macau transferred to sovereignty of People's Republic of China.
       January-June: Portugal holds presidency of the Council of the EU; end of Discoveries Historical Commemoration Cycle (1988-2000).
       United Nations forces continue to occupy and administer former colony of East Timor, with Portugal's approval.
       January: General, presidential elections; PS president Sampaio reelected for second term. City of Oporto, "European City of Culture" for the year, hosts arts festival. December: Municipal elections: PSD defeats PS; socialist prime minister Guterres resigns; President Sampaio calls March parliamentary elections.
       1 January: Portugal enters single European Currency system. Euro currency adopted and ceases use of former national currency, the escudo. March: Parliamentary elections; PSD defeats PS and José Durão Barroso becomes prime minister. Military modernization law passed. Portugal holds chairmanship of Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
       May: Municipal law passed permitting municipalities to reorganize in new ways.
       June: Prime Minister Durão Barroso, invited to succeed Romano Prodi as president of EU Commission, resigns. Pedro Santana Lopes becomes prime minister. European Parliament elections held. Conscription for national service in army and navy ended. Mass grave uncovered at Academy of Sciences Museum, Lisbon, revealing remains of several thousand victims of Lisbon earthquake, 1755.
       February: Parliamentary elections; PS defeats PSD, socialists win first absolute majority in parliament since 1975. José Sócrates becomes prime minister.
       January: Presidential elections; PSD candidate Aníbal Cavaco Silva elected and assumes presidency from Jorge Sampaio. Portugal's national soccer team ranked 7th out of 205 countries by international soccer association. European Union's Bologna Process in educational reform initiated in Portugal.
       July-December: Portugal holds presidency of the Council of the European Union. For reasons of economy, Portugal announces closure of many consulates, especially in France and the eastern US. Government begins official inspections of private institutions of higher education, following scandals.
      2008 January: Prime Minister Sócrates announces location of new Lisbon area airport as Alcochete, on south bank of Tagus River, site of air force shooting range. February: Portuguese Army begins to receive new modern battle tanks (Leopard 2 A6). March: Mass protest of 85,000 public school (primary and secondary levels) teachers in Lisbon schools dispute recent educational policies of minister of education and prime minister.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Chronology

  • 15 país desarrollado

    developed country, DC.
    * * *
    (n.) = developed country, developed nation, advanced economy, first-world nation
    Ex. The gap between the archivally developed and undeveloped countries has widened since 1979 and technical changes relating to automation, conservation, reprography, deterioration due to pollution and wear and tear cause increasing problems.
    Ex. Technology transfers between developed and underdeveloped nations have been the mainstays of economic development for over 30 years.
    Ex. The author looks at the likely future shifts in economic structures in advanced economies, as the information age replaces the industrial era, and regionalism gathers pace.
    Ex. But the real challenge to get it started is first to find the measures that can assuage the fear of the first-world nations.
    * * *
    (n.) = developed country, developed nation, advanced economy, first-world nation

    Ex: The gap between the archivally developed and undeveloped countries has widened since 1979 and technical changes relating to automation, conservation, reprography, deterioration due to pollution and wear and tear cause increasing problems.

    Ex: Technology transfers between developed and underdeveloped nations have been the mainstays of economic development for over 30 years.
    Ex: The author looks at the likely future shifts in economic structures in advanced economies, as the information age replaces the industrial era, and regionalism gathers pace.
    Ex: But the real challenge to get it started is first to find the measures that can assuage the fear of the first-world nations.

    Spanish-English dictionary > país desarrollado

  • 16 Preis

    m; -es, -e
    a) (Kaufpreis) price; (Gebühr) charge; (Satz) rate; (Fahr-, Flugpreis) fare; hoher / niedriger Preis high / low price; die Preise erhöhen / senken increase ( oder raise)/ lower prices; zum Preis von... kaufen buy at a price ( oder cost) of...; jemandem einen guten Preis machen make s.o. a good offer; unter Preis verkaufen undersell; weit unter Preis verkaufen sell (at) cut-price; zum halben Preis verkaufen sell (at) half-price; hoch im Preis stehen fetch high prices; fig. be in demand; Preise vergleichen vor dem Kauf: shop around; nicht auf den Preis schauen not consider the price; es kommt nicht auf den Preis an it’s not a question of money; drücken II 4, stolz I 3;
    b) fig., in Wendungen: es hat alles seinen Preis there’s a price to pay for everything; jeder hat seinen Preis everyone has their price; um keinen Preis not for anything in the world; ich muss es um jeden Preis schaffen I’ve got to make it, come what may ( oder whatever happens)
    2. im Wettbewerb: prize (auch fig.); Film etc.: auch award; der erste Preis first prize; den zweiten Preis bekommen get second prize, come second; mehrere / viele Preise gewinnen Autor, Film etc.: win several / many awards ( oder prizes); Preis der Nationen Reitsport: Prix des Nations
    3. (Belohnung) reward; einen Preis auf jemandes Kopf aussetzen put a price on s.o.’s head
    4. (Lob) praise
    * * *
    der Preis
    (Belohnung) reward; premium;
    (Kosten) cost; charge; price;
    * * *
    m -es, -e
    1) price ( für of); (= Fahrgeld) fare (für for); (= Gebühr, Honorar) fee (für of)

    der Préís für die Jacke beträgt 90 Eurothe price of the jacket is 90 euros

    (weit) unter(m) Préís — cut-price

    etw unter Préís verkaufen/verschleudern — to sell/flog (Brit inf) sth off cheap

    zum halben Préís — half-price

    um jeden Préís (fig)at all costs

    Qualität hat ihren Préís — you have to pay for quality

    ich gehe um keinen Préís hier weg (fig)I'm not leaving here at any price

    auch um den Préís seines eignen Glücks — even at the expense of his own happiness

    2) (bei Wettbewerben) prize; (= Auszeichnung) award

    in diesem Rennen ist kein Préís ausgesetzt — there's no prize in or for this race

    den ersten Préís gewinnen — to win (the) first prize

    jdm einen Préís zusprechen or zuerkennen or verleihen — to award or give sb a prize/to give sb an award

    der Große Préís von Deutschland — the German Grand Prix

    3) (= Belohnung) reward

    einen Préís auf jds Kopf aussetzen — to put a price on sb's head

    4) no pl liter = Lob) praise (
    auf +acc of)

    ein Gedicht zum Préís von... — a poem in praise of...

    Préís sei Gott — praise be to God

    * * *
    1) (a price or fee: What is the charge for a telephone call?) charge
    2) (the price to be paid (for something): What is the cost of this coat?) cost
    3) (the amount of money for which a thing is or can be bought or sold; the cost: The price of the book was $10.) price
    4) (what one must give up or suffer in order to gain something: Loss of freedom is often the price of success.) price
    5) (something won in a competition etc: I've won first prize!; ( also adjective) a prize (= having won, or worthy of, a prize) bull.) prize
    * * *
    <-es, -e>
    1. (Kaufpreis) price ( für + akk of)
    \Preise werden übertroffen prices are being topped
    das ist ein stolzer \Preis that's a lot of money
    Schönheit hat ihren \Preis (fig) beauty demands a price
    \Preis ab Hersteller price ex works, factory price
    \Preis ab Lager/Werk price ex warehouse/works [or factory price]
    \Preis frei an Bord/Bestimmungshafen price fob/landed price
    \Preis pro Einheit unit price
    erschwingliche \Preise affordable prices
    \Preis freibleibend price subject to change without notice
    hoch im \Preis stehen to fetch a good [or high] price
    bei sinkenden \Preisen by declining prices
    scharf kalkulierter \Preis close price
    unverbindlicher \Preis price subject to alteration
    \Preise ausloten to sound prices
    \Preise auszeichnen to put a price tag on sth
    den \Preis drücken to force down the price
    im \Preis fallen/steigen to sag/increase in price
    \Preise ermitteln/taxieren to arrive at/estimate prices
    jdm einen guten \Preis machen to give sb a good price
    die \Preise verderben to distort prices
    einen hohen \Preis für etw akk zahlen (fig) to pay through the nose for sth, to pay a high price for sth
    [weit] unter
    \Preis at cut-prices/a cut-price
    zum \Preis von... for...
    zum erniedrigten \Preis at cut[-rate] prices, at a cut[-rate] price
    zum halben \Preis at half-price
    zum überteuerten \Preis at inflated prices, at an inflated price
    der erste/zweite \Preis [the] first/second prize
    einen \Preis auf etw akk aussetzen to put out a reward on sth
    einen \Preis auf jds Kopf aussetzen to put a price on sb's head
    der große \Preis von Frankreich the French Grand Prix
    der \Preis der Nationen Prix des Nations
    3. kein pl (geh: Lob) praise
    um jeden \Preis at all costs, cost what it may
    nicht um jeden \Preis, um keinen \Preis not at any price
    * * *
    der; Preises, Preise
    1) (KaufPreis) price ( für of)

    um jeden Preis(fig.) at all costs

    2) (Belohnung) prize

    der Große Preis von Frankreich(Rennsport) the French Grand Prix

    * * *
    Preis m; -es, -e
    1. (Kaufpreis) price; (Gebühr) charge; (Satz) rate; (Fahr-, Flugpreis) fare;
    hoher/niedriger Preis high/low price;
    die Preise erhöhen/senken increase ( oder raise)/lower prices;
    zum Preis von … kaufen buy at a price ( oder cost) of …;
    jemandem einen guten Preis machen make sb a good offer;
    weit unter Preis verkaufen sell (at) cut-price;
    zum halben Preis verkaufen sell (at) half-price;
    hoch im Preis stehen fetch high prices; fig be in demand;
    Preise vergleichen vor dem Kauf: shop around;
    nicht auf den Preis schauen not consider the price;
    es kommt nicht auf den Preis an it’s not a question of money; drücken B 4, stolz A 3; fig, in Wendungen:
    es hat alles seinen Preis there’s a price to pay for everything;
    jeder hat seinen Preis everyone has their price;
    um keinen Preis not for anything in the world;
    ich muss es um jeden Preis schaffen I’ve got to make it, come what may ( oder whatever happens)
    2. im Wettbewerb: prize (auch fig); FILM etc auch award;
    der erste Preis first prize;
    den zweiten Preis bekommen get second prize, come second;
    mehrere/viele Preise gewinnen Autor, Film etc: win several/many awards ( oder prizes);
    3. (Belohnung) reward;
    einen Preis auf jemandes Kopf aussetzen put a price on sb’s head
    4. (Lob) praise
    * * *
    der; Preises, Preise
    1) (KaufPreis) price ( für of)

    um jeden Preis(fig.) at all costs

    2) (Belohnung) prize

    der Große Preis von Frankreich (Rennsport) the French Grand Prix

    * * *
    -e (im Wettbewerb, Belohnung) m.
    prize n. -e m.
    all in price n.
    charge n.
    cost n.
    fee n.
    price n.
    prize n.
    purchase n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > Preis

  • 17 UNO

    Del verbo unir: ( conjugate unir) \ \
    uno es: \ \
    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
    Multiple Entries: unir     uno
    unir ( conjugate unir) verbo transitivo 1
    a) cables to join;
    (con cola, pegamento) to stick … together; ‹ esfuerzos to combine
    b) [sentimientos/intereses] to unite
    c)características/cualidades/estilos to combine;
    uno algo a algo to combine sth with sth 2 ( comunicar) ‹ lugares to link 3 ( fusionar) ‹empresas/organizaciones to merge unirse verbo pronominal 1 ( aliarse) [personas/colectividades] to join together; 2 ( juntarse) [ caminos] to converge, meet 3 ( fusionarse) [empresas/organizaciones] to merge
    uno 1,
    una adjetivo uno becomes un before a masculine noun or noun phrase one;
    no había ni un asiento libre there wasn't one empty seat o a single empty seat; treinta y un pasajeros thirty-one passengers; el capítulo uno chapter one ■ pronombre 1 ( numeral) one; uno a or por uno one by one; más de uno/una (fam) quite a few 2 ( personal) ( sing) one; (pl) some;
    uno es mío, el otro no one's mine, the other isn't;
    ¿te gustaron? — unos sí, otros no did you like them? — some I did, others I didn't; se ayudan los unos a los otros they help one another 3 (fam) ( alguien) (m) some guy (colloq); (f) some woman (colloq); 4 ( uso impersonal) you;
    uno no sabe qué decir you don't o (frml) one doesn't know what to say;
    nunca le dicen nada a uno they don't tell you anything
    uno 2 sustantivo masculino (number) one; para ejemplos ver

    unir verbo transitivo
    1 (cables, conexiones) to join, unite
    2 (esfuerzos, intereses) to join (asociar, fusionar) unieron sus empresas, they merged their companies
    3 (comunicar) to link: ese camino une las dos aldeas, that path links the two villages
    I adjetivo
    1 (cardinal) one
    una manzana y dos limones, one apple and two lemons
    necesito unas zapatillas, I need a pair of slippers
    unos árboles, some trees
    2 (ordinal) first
    el uno de cada mes, the first of every month
    II pron one: falta uno más, we need one more
    hubo uno que dijo que no, there was one person who said no
    vi unas de color verde, I saw some green ones
    uno de ellos, one of them
    unos cuantos, a few: unos cuantos nos arriesgamos, some of us took the chance
    el uno al otro, each other
    III sustantivo femenino
    1 (hora) comimos a la una, we had lunch at one o'clock
    2 (impers) you, one: uno tiene que..., you have to...
    IV m Mat one ' uno' also found in these entries: Spanish: andana - anillo - atenerse - balancearse - batalla - cada - cara - cavar - china - concretamente - consigo - contaminante - curso - decirse - encerrarse - encima - encogerse - enfadarse - enjabonar - faltar - generador - lengua - mal - menos - - misma - mismo - mundialmente - nuestra - nuestro - pantalón - pelarse - pensamiento - pequeña - pequeño - presentarse - rasgo - resbalar - reunir - salir - satisfecha - satisfecho - seguida - seguido - - tema - tocarse - toda - todo - trece English: after - airport - also - another - apart - apiece - awe-inspiring - blind - bookworm - celebrated - charity - colour - come - count out - cow - defeat - deserts - die off - diffidence - distrust - do-it-yourself - double back - drool - drop - each - either - every - fall away - fascinating - field - first - give - have - have up - heel - hoot - house - individual - keep - lad - lose - match - mind - name - neither - nil - number one - object - odds - of
    1 ( United Nations Organization) Organización de las Naciones Unidas; (abbreviation) ONU nombre femenino
    noun = United Nations Organization ONU f
    N ABBR
    = United Nations Organization ONU f
    * * *
    noun = United Nations Organization ONU f

    English-spanish dictionary > UNO

  • 18 principal

    1 main, principal.
    lo principal es… the main thing is…
    puerta principal front door
    2 chief, big-league, blue-chip, boss.
    first floor (British), second floor (United States) (plant).
    * * *
    1 main, chief
    1 (piso) first floor, US second floor
    * * *
    2) main
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=más importante) [gen] principal, main; [crítico, adversario] foremost; [piso] first, second (EEUU)
    2) [persona, autoridad] illustrious
    2. SM
    1) (=persona) head, chief, principal
    2) (Econ) principal, capital
    3) (Teat) dress circle
    4) (=piso) first floor, second floor (EEUU)
    * * *
    adjetivo <entrada/carretera/calle> main

    el papel principalthe main part o leading role

    lo principal es que... — the main thing is that...

    a) (Fin) principal, capital
    b) (en teatro, cine) dress circle, mezzanine (AmE)
    * * *
    = capital, chief, dominant, essential, foremost, leading, main, major, primary, principal, top, key, lead, premier, overriding, prime, staple, number one, top-of-mind, cardinal, master.
    Ex. Following internal discussion, it was agreed that a new library should be given the University's top priority in any forthcoming capital building project.
    Ex. This section reviews the chief factors that must be taken into account in selecting an appropriate software package.
    Ex. English is the dominant language for the dissemination of information.
    Ex. The preceding chapter has introduced the essential characteristics of bibliographic descriptions.
    Ex. Foremost among those recommendations was one pertaining to the development of a UNIMARC format for authorities.
    Ex. In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex. The main rule, however, is do not have loose cables hanging all over the place -- not only is it unsightly but also extremely dangerous.
    Ex. This scheme aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes, by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools.
    Ex. The primary components in this area are place of publication, publisher's name and date of publication (that is, the date of edition).
    Ex. If responsibility is shared between mor than three persons or corporate bodies (and no principal author is indicated), then entry is made under the title.
    Ex. ISI's indexes let you locate research in the world's top journals by citation, title word, author, institution, or journal.
    Ex. This meeting brought together representatives of the key organizations in the community.
    Ex. The United Nations declared 1990 as International Literacy Year (ILY) with Unesco designated as the lead agency for ILY.
    Ex. It is the country's premier research library for the natural sciences, engineering, technology and industrial property.
    Ex. Consequently, the overriding demand made by the academic community is bibliographical in nature.
    Ex. For instance, my sporting goods store is on the ground level and to the right -- prime mall location.
    Ex. UK libraries and the BBC Continuing Education have the same staple customer group.
    Ex. Eyestrain is the number one complaint of computer users.
    Ex. Computer security is a top-of-mind subject for both IT managers and their corporate bosses.
    Ex. To underestimate your enemy is committing the cardinal mistake and often the last you'll make!.
    Ex. The great significance of a fully developed network will be that it will relieve libraries of the necessity of maintaining their own copies of the master data base.
    * actividad principal = core activity.
    * actor principal = lead character, leading man.
    * actor principal, el = main character, the, main actor, the.
    * administrador principal = top administrator.
    * apartarse de los caminos principales = go + off-road.
    * asesor principal = senior adviser, senior consultant.
    * calle principal, la = high street, the, main street, the.
    * carretera principal = major road.
    * comida principal = main meal.
    * consejero principal = senior adviser, senior consultant.
    * director principal = senior director.
    * dormitorio principal = master bedroom, master suite.
    * el principal = the number one.
    * en la corriente principal de = in the mainstream of.
    * en la tendencia principal de = in the mainstream of.
    * frase que recoge el tema principal del artículo = topic sentence.
    * fuente principal de información = chief source of information.
    * guía principal = guiding principle.
    * la cosa principal = the number one thing.
    * la parte principal de = the bulk of.
    * motivo principal = prime cause.
    * papel principal = title role.
    * parte principal del texto = meat of the text.
    * personaje principal = lead character.
    * personaje principal, el = main character, the, main actor, the.
    * plato principal = entrée, main entrée.
    * ponencia principal = keynote presentation.
    * primero y principal = first and foremost.
    * principal razón = prime cause.
    * principal sospechoso = leading suspect.
    * principal sostén de la familia = breadwinner [bread winner].
    * programa principal = Core Programme.
    * protagonista principal = centrepiece [centerpiece, -USA], lead character.
    * protagonista principal, el = main character, the, main actor, the.
    * recurso principal = primary resource.
    * semiprincipal = semi-main.
    * ser lo principal de = be at the core of, be at the heart of.
    * * *
    adjetivo <entrada/carretera/calle> main

    el papel principalthe main part o leading role

    lo principal es que... — the main thing is that...

    a) (Fin) principal, capital
    b) (en teatro, cine) dress circle, mezzanine (AmE)
    * * *
    = capital, chief, dominant, essential, foremost, leading, main, major, primary, principal, top, key, lead, premier, overriding, prime, staple, number one, top-of-mind, cardinal, master.

    Ex: Following internal discussion, it was agreed that a new library should be given the University's top priority in any forthcoming capital building project.

    Ex: This section reviews the chief factors that must be taken into account in selecting an appropriate software package.
    Ex: English is the dominant language for the dissemination of information.
    Ex: The preceding chapter has introduced the essential characteristics of bibliographic descriptions.
    Ex: Foremost among those recommendations was one pertaining to the development of a UNIMARC format for authorities.
    Ex: In addition to her reputation as a leading expert in information control, Phyllis Richmond is another of ISAD's official reviewers of the AACR2's draft.
    Ex: The main rule, however, is do not have loose cables hanging all over the place -- not only is it unsightly but also extremely dangerous.
    Ex: This scheme aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes, by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools.
    Ex: The primary components in this area are place of publication, publisher's name and date of publication (that is, the date of edition).
    Ex: If responsibility is shared between mor than three persons or corporate bodies (and no principal author is indicated), then entry is made under the title.
    Ex: ISI's indexes let you locate research in the world's top journals by citation, title word, author, institution, or journal.
    Ex: This meeting brought together representatives of the key organizations in the community.
    Ex: The United Nations declared 1990 as International Literacy Year (ILY) with Unesco designated as the lead agency for ILY.
    Ex: It is the country's premier research library for the natural sciences, engineering, technology and industrial property.
    Ex: Consequently, the overriding demand made by the academic community is bibliographical in nature.
    Ex: For instance, my sporting goods store is on the ground level and to the right -- prime mall location.
    Ex: UK libraries and the BBC Continuing Education have the same staple customer group.
    Ex: Eyestrain is the number one complaint of computer users.
    Ex: Computer security is a top-of-mind subject for both IT managers and their corporate bosses.
    Ex: To underestimate your enemy is committing the cardinal mistake and often the last you'll make!.
    Ex: The great significance of a fully developed network will be that it will relieve libraries of the necessity of maintaining their own copies of the master data base.
    * actividad principal = core activity.
    * actor principal = lead character, leading man.
    * actor principal, el = main character, the, main actor, the.
    * administrador principal = top administrator.
    * apartarse de los caminos principales = go + off-road.
    * asesor principal = senior adviser, senior consultant.
    * calle principal, la = high street, the, main street, the.
    * carretera principal = major road.
    * comida principal = main meal.
    * consejero principal = senior adviser, senior consultant.
    * director principal = senior director.
    * dormitorio principal = master bedroom, master suite.
    * el principal = the number one.
    * en la corriente principal de = in the mainstream of.
    * en la tendencia principal de = in the mainstream of.
    * frase que recoge el tema principal del artículo = topic sentence.
    * fuente principal de información = chief source of information.
    * guía principal = guiding principle.
    * la cosa principal = the number one thing.
    * la parte principal de = the bulk of.
    * motivo principal = prime cause.
    * papel principal = title role.
    * parte principal del texto = meat of the text.
    * personaje principal = lead character.
    * personaje principal, el = main character, the, main actor, the.
    * plato principal = entrée, main entrée.
    * ponencia principal = keynote presentation.
    * primero y principal = first and foremost.
    * principal razón = prime cause.
    * principal sospechoso = leading suspect.
    * principal sostén de la familia = breadwinner [bread winner].
    * programa principal = Core Programme.
    * protagonista principal = centrepiece [centerpiece, -USA], lead character.
    * protagonista principal, el = main character, the, main actor, the.
    * recurso principal = primary resource.
    * semiprincipal = semi-main.
    * ser lo principal de = be at the core of, be at the heart of.

    * * *
    ‹entrada› main; ‹carretera/calle› main
    el papel principal lo hacía Azucena Romero the main part o leading role was played by Azucena Romero
    el personaje principal se suicida al final the main character commits suicide at the end
    lo principal es que no se hizo daño the main thing is that he didn't hurt himself
    lo principal es la salud there's nothing more important than your health
    1 ( Fin) principal, capital
    2 (en un teatro, cine) upper balcony ( AmE), upper circle ( BrE)
    * * *


    principal adjetivo
    papel leading ( before n);
    lo principal es que… the main thing is that…

    principal adjetivo main, principal

    ' principal' also found in these entries:
    - constreñir
    - dirección
    - director
    - directora
    - eclipsar
    - maestra
    - maestro
    - mayor
    - nudo
    - puerta
    - requerir
    - sita
    - sito
    - soler
    - subdirector
    - subdirectora
    - mayordomo
    - mayoritario
    - plato
    - portón
    - protagonista
    - anchor
    - attraction
    - averse
    - bed
    - body
    - bomb
    - bread-and-butter
    - by
    - central
    - chief
    - dash
    - deputy
    - dinner
    - do
    - enjoy
    - flagship
    - foremost
    - head
    - high
    - high road
    - imagine
    - irony
    - lead
    - lead off from
    - lead story
    - leading
    - leading lady
    - leading man
    - main
    - mainland
    - mainstay
    - master
    - mind
    - objective
    - on
    - opposed
    - premier
    - primary
    - prime
    - principal
    - road
    - runaway
    - title role
    - trunk road
    - upstage
    - course
    - limb
    - major
    - rat
    * * *
    1. [más importante] main, principal;
    me han dado el papel principal de la obra de teatro I've been given the leading o lead role in the play;
    puerta principal front door;
    lo principal the main thing
    2. [oración] main
    1. [piso] Br first floor, US second floor
    2. Fin principal
    * * *
    I adj main, principal;
    lo principal the main o most important thing
    II m second floor, Br
    first floor
    * * *
    1) : main, principal
    2) : foremost, leading
    : capital, principal
    * * *
    principal1 adj main
    principal2 n first floor

    Spanish-English dictionary > principal

  • 19 preis

    m; -es, -e
    a) (Kaufpreis) price; (Gebühr) charge; (Satz) rate; (Fahr-, Flugpreis) fare; hoher / niedriger Preis high / low price; die Preise erhöhen / senken increase ( oder raise)/ lower prices; zum Preis von... kaufen buy at a price ( oder cost) of...; jemandem einen guten Preis machen make s.o. a good offer; unter Preis verkaufen undersell; weit unter Preis verkaufen sell (at) cut-price; zum halben Preis verkaufen sell (at) half-price; hoch im Preis stehen fetch high prices; fig. be in demand; Preise vergleichen vor dem Kauf: shop around; nicht auf den Preis schauen not consider the price; es kommt nicht auf den Preis an it’s not a question of money; drücken II 4, stolz I 3;
    b) fig., in Wendungen: es hat alles seinen Preis there’s a price to pay for everything; jeder hat seinen Preis everyone has their price; um keinen Preis not for anything in the world; ich muss es um jeden Preis schaffen I’ve got to make it, come what may ( oder whatever happens)
    2. im Wettbewerb: prize (auch fig.); Film etc.: auch award; der erste Preis first prize; den zweiten Preis bekommen get second prize, come second; mehrere / viele Preise gewinnen Autor, Film etc.: win several / many awards ( oder prizes); Preis der Nationen Reitsport: Prix des Nations
    3. (Belohnung) reward; einen Preis auf jemandes Kopf aussetzen put a price on s.o.’s head
    4. (Lob) praise
    * * *
    der Preis
    (Belohnung) reward; premium;
    (Kosten) cost; charge; price;
    * * *
    m -es, -e
    1) price ( für of); (= Fahrgeld) fare (für for); (= Gebühr, Honorar) fee (für of)

    der Préís für die Jacke beträgt 90 Eurothe price of the jacket is 90 euros

    (weit) unter(m) Préís — cut-price

    etw unter Préís verkaufen/verschleudern — to sell/flog (Brit inf) sth off cheap

    zum halben Préís — half-price

    um jeden Préís (fig)at all costs

    Qualität hat ihren Préís — you have to pay for quality

    ich gehe um keinen Préís hier weg (fig)I'm not leaving here at any price

    auch um den Préís seines eignen Glücks — even at the expense of his own happiness

    2) (bei Wettbewerben) prize; (= Auszeichnung) award

    in diesem Rennen ist kein Préís ausgesetzt — there's no prize in or for this race

    den ersten Préís gewinnen — to win (the) first prize

    jdm einen Préís zusprechen or zuerkennen or verleihen — to award or give sb a prize/to give sb an award

    der Große Préís von Deutschland — the German Grand Prix

    3) (= Belohnung) reward

    einen Préís auf jds Kopf aussetzen — to put a price on sb's head

    4) no pl liter = Lob) praise (
    auf +acc of)

    ein Gedicht zum Préís von... — a poem in praise of...

    Préís sei Gott — praise be to God

    * * *
    1) (a price or fee: What is the charge for a telephone call?) charge
    2) (the price to be paid (for something): What is the cost of this coat?) cost
    3) (the amount of money for which a thing is or can be bought or sold; the cost: The price of the book was $10.) price
    4) (what one must give up or suffer in order to gain something: Loss of freedom is often the price of success.) price
    5) (something won in a competition etc: I've won first prize!; ( also adjective) a prize (= having won, or worthy of, a prize) bull.) prize
    * * *
    <-es, -e>
    1. (Kaufpreis) price ( für + akk of)
    \Preise werden übertroffen prices are being topped
    das ist ein stolzer \Preis that's a lot of money
    Schönheit hat ihren \Preis (fig) beauty demands a price
    \Preis ab Hersteller price ex works, factory price
    \Preis ab Lager/Werk price ex warehouse/works [or factory price]
    \Preis frei an Bord/Bestimmungshafen price fob/landed price
    \Preis pro Einheit unit price
    erschwingliche \Preise affordable prices
    \Preis freibleibend price subject to change without notice
    hoch im \Preis stehen to fetch a good [or high] price
    bei sinkenden \Preisen by declining prices
    scharf kalkulierter \Preis close price
    unverbindlicher \Preis price subject to alteration
    \Preise ausloten to sound prices
    \Preise auszeichnen to put a price tag on sth
    den \Preis drücken to force down the price
    im \Preis fallen/steigen to sag/increase in price
    \Preise ermitteln/taxieren to arrive at/estimate prices
    jdm einen guten \Preis machen to give sb a good price
    die \Preise verderben to distort prices
    einen hohen \Preis für etw akk zahlen (fig) to pay through the nose for sth, to pay a high price for sth
    [weit] unter
    \Preis at cut-prices/a cut-price
    zum \Preis von... for...
    zum erniedrigten \Preis at cut[-rate] prices, at a cut[-rate] price
    zum halben \Preis at half-price
    zum überteuerten \Preis at inflated prices, at an inflated price
    der erste/zweite \Preis [the] first/second prize
    einen \Preis auf etw akk aussetzen to put out a reward on sth
    einen \Preis auf jds Kopf aussetzen to put a price on sb's head
    der große \Preis von Frankreich the French Grand Prix
    der \Preis der Nationen Prix des Nations
    3. kein pl (geh: Lob) praise
    um jeden \Preis at all costs, cost what it may
    nicht um jeden \Preis, um keinen \Preis not at any price
    * * *
    der; Preises, Preise
    1) (KaufPreis) price ( für of)

    um jeden Preis(fig.) at all costs

    2) (Belohnung) prize

    der Große Preis von Frankreich(Rennsport) the French Grand Prix

    * * *
    …preis m im subst
    1. (Entgelt etc):
    Ankaufspreis purchase price;
    Eintrittspreis admission charge;
    Erster-Klasse-Preis first-class fare
    Buchpreis book award ( oder prize);
    Hörspielpreis radio-play award ( oder prize);
    Kleinkunstpreis cabaret award ( oder prize)
    * * *
    der; Preises, Preise
    1) (KaufPreis) price ( für of)

    um jeden Preis(fig.) at all costs

    2) (Belohnung) prize

    der Große Preis von Frankreich (Rennsport) the French Grand Prix

    * * *
    -e (im Wettbewerb, Belohnung) m.
    prize n. -e m.
    all in price n.
    charge n.
    cost n.
    fee n.
    price n.
    prize n.
    purchase n.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > preis

  • 20 UNEF

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > UNEF

См. также в других словарях:

  • First Nations — This article is about the indigenous peoples of Canada. For other indigenous peoples, see Indigenous peoples by geographic regions. First Nations …   Wikipedia

  • First Nations — Totempfahl in Victoria Mit First Nations (französisch: Premières nations, deutsch: Erste Nationen) werden alle indigenen Völker in Kanada bezeichnet, ausgenommen die Métis (Nachkommen von Cree und Europäern) und die im Norden lebenden Inuit.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • First Nations — pl. the indigenous peoples of Canada. Also called First Peoples. * * * First Nations the aboriginal Indian peoples of Canada; sometimes also used to describe indigenous peoples of North America. –adjective. First Nations literature. * * * ˌFirst… …   Useful english dictionary

  • First Nations — 1. noun a) The indigenous peoples of Canada (typically not including Inuit or Metis). Generally speaking, the works of First Nations artists were made with materials such as wood, leather or cloth. b) The indigenous peoples of any country or… …   Wiktionary

  • First Nations in British Columbia — constitute a large number of First Nations in the province of British Columbia. Many of these Canadian aboriginal peoples are affiliated in tribal councils. Ethnic groups include the Haida, Salish, and Nisga a, all examples of the Indigenous… …   Wikipedia

  • First Nations in Ontario — constitute many nations. Common First Nations ethnicities in the province include the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and the Cree.First Nations in Ontario* Aamjiwnaang First Nation * Alderville First Nation * Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation… …   Wikipedia

  • First Nations in Alberta — constitute several dozen nations. Reserves of these First Nations were established in Alberta by a series of treaties, Treaty 6, Treaty 7, and Treaty 8.In 2001, a population of 84,990 reported a First Nation identity [… …   Wikipedia

  • First Nations in Atlantic Canada — constitute several dozen nations. These First Nations are of varying ethnicities, including Mi kmaq, Innu, and Maliseet.First Nations in Atlantic CanadaFirst Nations in New BrunswickFirst Nations in Newfoundland and LabradorFirst Nations in Nova… …   Wikipedia

  • First Nations in Saskatchewan — constitute many nations. First Nations ethnicities in the province include the Cree, Assiniboine, Saulteaux, Dene and Dakota. Historically the Atsina and Blackfoot could also be found at various times.First Nations in SaskatchewanFirst Nations in …   Wikipedia

  • First Nations Technical Institute — (FNTI) is an Aboriginal owned and controlled post secondary institution. Established in 1985 through innovative and dynamic partnerships between the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council, FNTI Board of Directors, Indian Northern Affairs Canada, and the… …   Wikipedia

  • First Nations in Manitoba — constitute many peoples. Common First Nations ethnicities in the province include the Cree and the Anishinaabe.First Nations in the Northern Region of ManitobaFirst Nations in Southern ManitobaExternal links*… …   Wikipedia

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